Friday, May 29, 2015

Hifiman HE 560 rattle

Q: I just got the Hifiman HE-560s and I noticed that one of the grills gives in a tiny bit. It barely moves if you apply pressure to it, but I can't push the other one in at all. I don't hear anything wrong but should I be concerned?

A:  A loose grille will only be an issue only if it vibrates. try running a bass shaker test, like the one here.

If the issue persists, you have two options. Option one is to engineer a DIY fix and batten down the grille with some glue or epoxy. Option two, and the one that I would probably pursue if you just got your headphones, is to contact Hifiman customer service, and also the retailer who sold you the headphones, to see if you can swap them for another pair.

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